RapidMiner and the University of Mannheim presented a joint-paper and a poster at the Lernen.Wissen.Daten.Analysen. (LWDA 2018) conference on August 22-24, 2018 in Mannheim, Germany. The conference was held at the University of Mannheim. The paper entitled "Density- and Correlation-based Table Extension" was co-authored by Benedikt Kleppmann, Christian Bizer from the University of Mannheim and Edwin Yaqub, Fabian Temme, Philipp Schlunder, David Arnu and Ralf Klinkenberg from RapidMiner. The paper presented the work on Unconstrained search methods that were developed in the third project year.
The paper can be found online under this link.
From the side of RapidMiner, Dr. Edwin Yaqub and Ralf Klinkenberg participated in the conference. From the side of University of Mannheim, Prof. Dr. Chris Bizer, Prof. Dr. Heiko Paulheim and Benedikt Kleppmann participated among other members of the Data and Web Science group.