Data Search for Data Mining extension updated

Constrained Search at client side

Posted by Edwin Yaqub (RapidMiner) on November 16, 2018

The new version of the RapidMiner extension "Data Search for Data Mining" (version 2.0.0) has been released on the RapidMiner Marketplace.

Sometimes, data may not be moved to a remote server. In such cases, the Backend Search Engine developed by the University of Mannheim needs to be installed locally on-premise. In more restricted environments, it may be desired to process data on the client side, independent of any Backend server. For this purpose, a new operator, namely the "Create Correspondences" operator has been developed, which implements a variant of the Constrained Search algorithm. Together with the "Translate" and "Advanced Fuse" operators, it provides the Search-Join mechanism completely at the client side, provided that the user already has a collection of relevant tables in RapidMiner.

Similarly, the last release (version 1.0.1) of the "Data Search for Data Mining" extension provided a new operator, namely the "Enrich Table by Data Fusion" operator. This operator implements a variant of the Unconstrained Search algorithm, so users can also perform multi-attribute search on the client side now.